A Photo A Day … December 24 2013

I have been exceptionally busy today. Too busy to even get my camera out. I did take a few shots with my iPhone, but none that I am overly happy with. This one is the best of a bad lot. I did contemplate using a wet rose from earlier in the month, but felt it was too far back to be able to be used.

When I was out today, I saw the damage that this storm had done. I had already woken late due to being without power for a few hours during the night and the alarm clocks not working. There were shards of tree everywhere. Thick branches, huge chunks. A couple of shops were closed due to flooding. The port hadn’t long reopened as it was closed due to the weather.

All I can say is, that I hope the weather clears and that people can have the most fantastic Christmas possible.

December 24 2013

Where’s Santa?

If you want to have a bit of fun this Christmas Eve (or Christmas Day as it is in New Zealand) then you can track him.

For the past sixty years, NORAD (NORth American Air Defence Command) has been tracking him due to a simple mistake. Sear Roebuck and Company (now Sears) printed a phone number on where to contact Santa. Unfortunately, the number given, was that of NORAD instead of Santa. The colonel in charge realised what had happened, so started telling the children where he was according to the radar.

Now, with the internet, you can follow where he is and where he has been. Google has also jumped in on the act, so you have two ways that you can find him.

You can find NORAD tracks Santa – HERE

NORAD Tracks Santa

And you can find Google Santa Tracker – HERE

Google Santa Tracker
