Weekly Travel Theme: Sky

Like the weekly Photo Challenge, I could not go past Ailsa‘s (from Where’s My Backpack) Travel Theme as it is Sky, and you see so much in the sky. Sun, clouds, moon, planes, life, stars, planets, the occasional Space Station. So here are a few of mine.


Two Words – Smile, Be Happy. Oh, And I Can’t Count

Have you ever wondered what use a post-it note is? What good an alarm or a reminder on your phone is? It’s simple. A post-it note is something that you stick to the mirror before you go to bed at night, so when you wake up in the morning, you see an arrow pointing to your face saying “I can make this person smile” but you have to do it yourself. You can make yourself smile.

The reminder on your phone will go off, and when you look at it, you see the words “you are special”. But you have to think it enough to write it. Remember, when you look in the mirror, if you smile at the person there, they will smile straight back.

If your phone says you are special, it must mean you are, even if it was you that wrote it.

I think so, and I am not wrong. Not on this, anyway.

Have a great week.

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