When You’re Down A Hole …

I saw this on a friend’s Facebook page and felt I just had to share it. I thought it was really cool. I just had to share. My friend also has a blog which is here.

So there’s this guy walking down the street and he falls into a great big hole. A doctor walks by and the guy yells up to the doctor ‘hey, I fell in this hole, can you help me out?’ The doctor writes a prescription, throws it into the hole, and walks on.

A priest then walks by and the guy yells up to the priest ‘father, can you help me? I fell into this hole and I can’t get out’. The priest says a prayer, throws down a Bible and walks on.

And then a friend of the guy walks by and the guy yells up ‘hey, buddy, I’m stuck in this hole and -‘ and before he can finish the friend jumps down into the hole.

‘What the hell are you doing?’ the guy says, ‘Now we’re both down here!’

‘Yup’, says the friend, ‘But I’ve been down here before and I know the way out.’

If you are down in a hole, the chances are, a friend will be there to help you find the way out.

Until You Are Broken, You Don’t Know What You Are Made Of

You can guarantee that at some point in your life, you will be so broken that you will have no idea in where you are going, where you came from or even what day of the week it is. These times are so destructive that you are constantly crying on the inside whilst trying to hide it on the outside. Remember though, these pieces on the floor are all part of you and they are all there. You can pick these up and piece them together how you want them to be, you can remake yourself into something better, stronger. More resilient. Falling apart may be seen as a blessing in disguise as you can come back from it having learnt and rebuilt.

I want to thank the following for the title and the majority of the quotes today:

Christina ~

Lessons Learned In Life

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My apologies for being gone so long

There are times in our lives when we have had enough and we need to move away from everything. We have to step outside and take a break from life in general. Whether our life is too hectic to stay where we are; or we have inadvertently hurt people; or we need to take a breath and re-evaluate where we are going; or even just to sit back and watch the world fly past us as we sit by the metaphoric pool.

Blogging is the same. When we do the same thing every day it can become monotonous. We have to do something to break up that monotony. We can make a change to what we post; we can post more, post less, comment more, comment less or even stop. I know I was going to stop for one week, and that week turned into two weeks and then more. The longer I stayed away, the more difficult it was becoming to return.

It is not easy writing this. I think maybe I should have come back after the first week, but I was not ready then. There again, what is to say that I am ready now? Had I come back after that first week, I would not have needed to write this. I would have just created a post that said, “Hi I am back time to carry on” and done just that … carried on from where I left off. After an hour or so, it would have been as if I had never been anywhere.

Coming back from a break is never an easy thing to do, especially when that break extends beyond what it was originally supposed to be. As it is, August has not been a good month for me for several years. I was hoping that I would find this year easier to deal with, but with recent events, this has not been the case. Before you ask … these events are private.

I realise now that I have left it too long and I have missed a lot of what has gone on in that time. I do have to turn on email notifications for everybody again, so I do apologise if I miss anybody whilst I am returning. I may be on less as I am going away for a few days on Tuesday.

I have missed everybody, and I want to thank people for the personal emails I received asking if I was okay, as well as comments asking me the same thing.

Leap of Faith


He looks across the canyon
He sees no way to traverse
He looks up the cliff for a rope
Seeing none, he starts to curse

He walks madly up and down
Feeling stressed and feeling low
He picks up stones and pebbles
Down the canyon he will throw

He thinks he has lost everything
There is nothing left to love
He sits down and starts to weep
And then he hears a voice from above

“Take a look at what you’ve done”
“I’ve done nothing, I’m no help” he cries
“You’ve done more than you think
Now stop and dry your eyes”

He sits there ignoring the voice
Any help he wants is out of reach
“Stand up, do not cut me out
There is more for you to teach”

He looks up, and shakes his head
“I teach nothing! Open your ears!
If you think I’m a help,
Where have you been all these years?”

“You have not wanted me.
You did not want to believe
I would not come to you
When you think I would deceive.”

He wipes his eyes and stands
There is truth in all these words
He sees his camera and frowns
That wasn’t there, this is absurd

The camera is big and is not his
It’s different to the one he owns
It shows him taking photos
Even picking up the stones

He sees something on the photo
And now knows he will be safe
He walks to the edge of the canyon
He is rewarded with his leap of faith

He carefully crosses the gap
He knows he can see his friends
As he reaches the other side I wake
And I have no idea how this ends.


As a great many of you know, I had a bit of a meltdown yesterday. I am normally a lot stronger than that and if I do meltdown, I don’t do it in public. As a result of that “internal crisis” I had this as a dream last night. It wasn’t a poem in the dream, but it was all there.

Thank you, all of you for your kind words of encouragement and support in my moment of weakness. I really do appreciate it.