Līgo Haībun Challenge – Weather forecast for tonight: dark.

Okay, so the only link between the title and the Līgo Haībun is that I have chosen the George Carlin quote. Each week, with the Līgo Haībun we are given a choice of one of two photos, a choice of two words or a choice of two quotes. Unfortunately, with it being my mum’s 70th birthday this week, I missed last week’s Līgo Haībun and I decided I was not going to miss this week’s challenge.

There are two judges on the Līgo Haībun Challenge, Ese and Managua Gunn. The two quotes they have given us to choose from are:

“And then there are the times when the
wolves are silent and the
moon is howling.”
George Carlin

“Perfect order is the forerunner
of perfect horror.”
Carlos Fuentes

Shutter Speed 800 ISO 400

The Howling Moon

Life goes on regardless of anything around you, anything seen, and anything unseen. Life picks you up as you stumble. You can falter as you go along, but with friends, they will pick you up. Things can happen, but your friends will be there for you.

Everybody knows that there are times that you WILL fail. It is one of the major problems with life: Failure. However, without failure, how do you expect the successes to be overwhelming? The best way to overcome the failure is with our friends to be there for us.

The majority of us have people who will be there the moment we fall. They are helping us before we even hit the ground. They are helping us up when we think we are still falling; hands that grab for us to save us. These friends are the ones who mean a lot to us. They are the ones who are there by choice.

And then there are times when the wolves are silent, and the moon is howling. The times when there is no one there to catch us when we fall. The times that no one can hear our cries, but it does not mean they are not near; it does not mean they are not coming; it does not mean you will always be alone. It does not mean you will be on the floor for long.

Our friends help us
not only in our time of need
but also in times of fun