A Backdoor For New Posts

After my post yesterday “What Have You Done, WordPress?” I saw a post that led to a thread on the WP forums of 11 pages containing complaints from people about the new BEEP BEEP BOOP way of the posts. None of the Happiness Engineers have taken part in that discussion.

I had a reply from another user on there telling me how to create a post using the standard – old way – of creating posts and it is so easy. I will create a screenshot showing how to do it.

Just click “New” … That is it. Not “post“, “page“, “media“, “link“. Just “New“.

New Post

Throwback Thursday: The Mirror

Seeing that I have seen other people doing Throwback Thursday, I thought I would give it a go as well. The one I have chosen was the first Picture it and Write I took part in which was in April 2013.

First posted April 21 2013


Picture It & Write: The Mirror

It is not very often that I will see a picture and think “I need that out there.” I saw this photo and it immediately made me think of … well, if you read the story you will understand. My heart really does go out to all women in this situation. This photo comes from Ermilia with her Picture It & Write.

The Mirror

Janine sat crying looking at her legs. “Why did I have tattoos?” she sobbed. The man of her dreams had taken one look at her and told her that the tattoos had made her uglier than she already was, and that it did not help that she was fat and wore glasses.

She sat cursing her body. The tattoos had seemed a good idea at the time. She already knew she was overweight, but she could do something about that. She could diet, or just stop eating completely. Maybe if she had laser surgery, she could win him back. As she dried her tears thinking about this, her doorbell rang.

Upon opening the door, there was a small box. She looked around but there was nobody there. The road was straight so there was nowhere to hide. Janine picked the box up and went inside. Sitting down, she ripped the box open to find a mirror inside. She had never seen a mirror as ornate as this.

She looked at herself in it and she felt the tears come again as she saw her horrendous reflection. The glass wavered slightly and stilled again. Her reflection started speaking to her.

Why are you ugly?

“He told me I was”

Why are you fat?

“He told me I was”

Why do you hate your tattoos?

“He told me they make me look cheap”

Why do you hate your glasses?

“Because it stops my face from being perfect”

But you are not ugly. You are beautiful. Look at your face – it is that of someone who feels love. You are not fat. You are not a supermodel, your clothes fit you, and you are the perfect size for you. Your tattoos do not make you look cheap. They give you meaning, they make you unique. Your face is perfect with or without glasses. It is not you that he sees when he states these things, merely his own reflection of himself. Love someone who loves you for who you are, not someone who wants you to conform, but first, love yourself

Whatever You Suffer, Remember Someday …

…  You Will Comfort Somebody With The Strength You Found

When we go through hell, we learn. When we come out the other side, we are not the same person who went in, we are changed, sometimes very dramatically, sometimes subtly. We will always remember those times though, and when we look back on them, sometimes they will make us go cold, other times we look back on them and say “Hah! I beat you!” What we do though, is we learn from that journey, and if we see someone going through the same thing, or a similar thing, we can help them. We can walk beside them holding their hand, telling them that they are not alone, they have someone steadying their legs, wiping their tears, carrying them when necessary. We can help the way someone helped us and then they in turn will help someone when the time comes. We each have a part to play in someone else’s life, we each are able to make a difference in another person’s life due to what we have learned through the pains we have suffered … are suffering. So never forget, if you are going through hell at the moment, there are people beside you. They are helping you, holding you, carrying you even though sometimes you may not see them. They are there. We are there.

You will get through

08-26 In My Thoughts 08-27 Inspiring and Positive Quotes 08-28 08-29 08-30