Photo of the Week – Week 32

I was going to use either a photo of the moon or a photo of a flower that I took, but this little baby stole my heart. It seems it fell off the roof or tried to fly and failed. It had been on my balcony for a couple of days and was being attacked by other seagulls. It was on the other side of the fence and when I went near it, it would run away. Then yesterday, it squeezed through the fence onto the balcony. So I picked up a towel and nabbed it. The vets around the corner deal with a seagull sanctuary, so I took it there. It was a hot day so I had my shirt undone, and my daughter told me to do it up as the seagull kept trying to peck at my piercing. That would have been excruciating I think. Maybe more so than when I had it done. So here is the little sweet thing.

Week 32

There Is An Eye In Every Storm

Firstly I would like to apologise. I can’t access my blog properly or any other blog at the moment, and I don’t know why. I can access every other site on the internet, but I can’t through my router. It’s very odd. I have tried rebooting it, resetting it, restoring it, adjusting Sky Shield, removing Sky Shield, kicking Sky Shield (okay so not kicking really), using different browsers, screaming at different browsers, eating different browsers (okay so not eating really). It is frustrating because the only way I can see things is through either the reader – which doesn’t give me the whole post, or through my mobile which is not very clear and I will start to run up some very expensive data charges. Although it is frustrating, I know that it will be sorted out, so I don’t need to worry. I tend not to visit blogs over the weekend anyway, so I have time to get it sorted.


The problem is resolved and this is what WordPress had to say:

Thanks to everyone for working with us to identify and resolve this issue.

We have some automated security measures in place that prevent access from IP addresses that are seen as abusive or possibly harmful to Sky, the ISP who was blocked, routes traffic to the USA (and possibly other countries) for many of their customers over a small number of IP addresses, so in this case, one bad actor on Sky’s network caused multiple Sky customers to get blocked from accessing We have identified the IP addresses in question and worked around this issue for now.


Back to the main point of this post. As I look out of my window, I see trees bending in the wind and I can hear the whistling going past. This is because we are receiving the remnants of Hurricane Bertha, or Tropical Storm Bertha. When the wind comes and tries to force you back, what do you do? You brace yourself and lean forward, walking into it, determined not to be beaten by it. Then when the eye comes along, you get the chance to recuperate slightly before going on again, bracing yourself and going through until you have reached your destination. Think of problems in life as a hurricane. When the problem hits you, brace yourself and keep going. Move forwards all the time, one foot in front of the other. It may be slow going and it may seem like you are not moving, but you are. And there is invariably an eye to the problematic storm where you can sit and check what more needs to be done, where you can sit and relax for a few minutes, hours, days etc., and then do it again. At this point, you know that you are closer to the end than the beginning. The eye is in the middle, so you have got past the worst part. Now you know you are on your way out of it. You can smile at this point, but don’t lose your grip, don’t become complacent. Still keep going. You can do it. You can succeed. You are strong.

Thanks this week go to:

Christina ~ (Blog)

Smile At Me (Blog)

The Other Side of Ugly (Blog)

Wisdom Life Quotes

08-16 The Other Side of Ugly 08-17 Smile At Me 08-18 Christina ~ 08-19 The Other Side of Ugly 08-20