Oddsen Ends

I took some photos during the week (Really?? I hear you ask sarcastically) so I thought I would share some with you. Last night, I set my camera to a 13 second shutter speed, set it for a two second timer, the camera clicked … and the kitten attacked the leg of the tripod. I think the result looked quite cool. He looks so cute, butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth. The last photo is more like I was aiming for. Although still not as good as I hoped as there was a slight mist that bathed the photos in orange.

No Sense Being Pessimistic … Wouldn’t Work Anyway — John Robb

When I saw this on a Facebook page, I knew it had to be the title of the post today. I hope it gives you a smile, it did me when I read it. Being pessimistic about being pessimistic. Which means the only thing you should be, is optimistic. Things will get better. When you are the bottom, the only way is up. So don’t be pessimistic. If you think the glass is half empty, it isn’t. You may have half a glass of liquid, but the remainder of the glass is filled with air.

The two things you need to survive – liquid and air. Both in a half-glass. Is your glass half empty? No. It’s full.

Have a good Thursday.

Thanks go to:

Smile At Me (Blog)

Stay Strong

The Ouroboros

08-61 08-62 Stay Strong 08-63 08-64 Smile At Me 08-65 Random Thoughts n Lotsa Coffee