A Photo A Day … May 22 2013

As I was out with my son today, this cat came over to say hi. I took a few photos with my iPhone and then stroked it. It is a chunky thing, but so cute.

May 22 2013

37 thoughts on “A Photo A Day … May 22 2013

  1. I have a feral cat that visits my back door every day. I feed it regularly, and “talk” to him as he eats, but he would never ever let me touch him. If I move at all, he jumps back.

  2. Dearest friend, I have nominated you for The Most Influential Blogger Award- congratulations! Please visit this link: transcendingbordersblog.wordpress.com/2013/05/23/most-influential-blogger-award-2/

  3. Alastair I owe you an apology. For reasons I can never figure out WordPress likes to randomly unfollow people I’m following! I noticed today after not seeing anything new from you for awhile that WordPress had done that to you. I’ve fix it now – I hope it doesn’t happen again. I love WordPress but sometimes it can be a real pain in the behind!

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