Friday Fictioneers – Remains of the Day

Friday Fictioneers is a group of writers who get together in a virtual bar like this one here, and come up with a story from a prompt supplied by Rochelle. She chooses a photo and then the Fictioneers write a story around about 100 words.

My story is an ongoing one that I do with Jules. My side is that of a vampire named Raynard, whilst Jules is the side of Saskia, his prey. You can find the story so far on my blog here and Jules’ blog here.

Last week, Raynard broke into a bar and on running his hands on a table found they had been covered in wards which burned his fingers to the bone.

Although you can’t see the image in my story, by reading Jules’ story, you will see that picture is above him.

Copyright – Sarah Ann Hall

Remains of the Day

Raynard knew the tunnels. He had used them many years ago. He was running through them now at breakneck speed being careful not to touch the walls with his hands, the fingers still burnt to the bone. He came to the end of the tunnel and didn’t stop. He threw himself at the wall, smashing through the wood. The remains of Moria were still here, and he jammed his hands into the dust, causing his hands to heal.

He took the stake and the remaining rib. They would not use that stake on him! The rib was for tracking Saskia.