My apologies for being gone so long

There are times in our lives when we have had enough and we need to move away from everything. We have to step outside and take a break from life in general. Whether our life is too hectic to stay where we are; or we have inadvertently hurt people; or we need to take a breath and re-evaluate where we are going; or even just to sit back and watch the world fly past us as we sit by the metaphoric pool.

Blogging is the same. When we do the same thing every day it can become monotonous. We have to do something to break up that monotony. We can make a change to what we post; we can post more, post less, comment more, comment less or even stop. I know I was going to stop for one week, and that week turned into two weeks and then more. The longer I stayed away, the more difficult it was becoming to return.

It is not easy writing this. I think maybe I should have come back after the first week, but I was not ready then. There again, what is to say that I am ready now? Had I come back after that first week, I would not have needed to write this. I would have just created a post that said, “Hi I am back time to carry on” and done just that … carried on from where I left off. After an hour or so, it would have been as if I had never been anywhere.

Coming back from a break is never an easy thing to do, especially when that break extends beyond what it was originally supposed to be. As it is, August has not been a good month for me for several years. I was hoping that I would find this year easier to deal with, but with recent events, this has not been the case. Before you ask … these events are private.

I realise now that I have left it too long and I have missed a lot of what has gone on in that time. I do have to turn on email notifications for everybody again, so I do apologise if I miss anybody whilst I am returning. I may be on less as I am going away for a few days on Tuesday.

I have missed everybody, and I want to thank people for the personal emails I received asking if I was okay, as well as comments asking me the same thing.

Thursday Inspiration

If this week hasn’t been good for you so far, please take a look at these and take hope from them. If you are having a good week, take a look and think about them when you are down. I hope they help you through the difficult days that you have. The first one, I have wanted to put on since I found it on Monday. Always remember that one.

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