Thoughtful Thursday Thinkings

If your week isn’t going to well, take a look at these, and realise that you are a good person. You are just being challenged at the moment. You can get through this. Hold your head up high and say “Up yours! I can do this!”

001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 011

56 thoughts on “Thoughtful Thursday Thinkings

  1. These are wonderful, Alastair. I like to get such reminders every now and then. I definitely need to remember that quote from Jung. Excuse me while I throw out some worthless bricks…

    • That’s a good idea. I’m glad I saw some of the same bricks the other day so I could throw them out before they started building anything

  2. My favourite is the cuddling one, I love cuddles! …. and I certainly need to strengthen my immune system…. have a cuddle Alastair! 🙂

  3. I’ve read inspirational quotes like these for years, but they didn’t move me off “stuck.” Finally this year I am able to take these sayings to heart and move in the direction of my dreams!

  4. These are all great, Alastair! Thanks for the inspiration and have a great day! Lauren 🙂

    p.s. my gravatar is being stubborn and I’m not having any luck in fixing it! 🙂

  5. I believe in cuddling too. To have someone in my corner, to lean on besides myself, would be so nice. I keep waiting for God to open a door for me

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