A Day In London

Last Thursday was my daughter’s birthday, so I took her for a day out in London. We went to the Natural History Museum and the Aquarium. Photos of the Museum will hopefully be up tomorrow. These are some from on the way and between venues.

27 thoughts on “A Day In London

  1. Wonderful to share and enjoy your daughter’s birthday day like that Alastair !
    Great pictures too .

  2. She is beautiful, Happy Birthday to her. Blessing and happiness for you both. I loved all these photographs, but there is one of them, dear Al, so interesting and so impressive. If I were you, I would crop the sculpture… and to be seen only budist monks… it is amazing! Thank you, love, nia

    • Thank you 🙂 It was great to spend a lovely day together, just the two of us. It’s a shame we can’t do it more often.

    • Thanks Ute. I think they are a new thing. If you remember where the man was making the wire frames, they were on one of the pillars there. She is gorgeous 🙂

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