Haibun Thinking Week 11 2014

If you want to know more about the Haibun Thinking challenge, then head here.. I have decided to use the postcard as the prompt for this story.

As children they would play together, they would play with their hoops; they would look for cars and carriages. At sixteen, they started exploring each other, and at twenty-one they married. They spent years together, with the turn of the century being a big time of their life. Their children came along at the turn of the century, and he became a sailor and rose through the ranks fast.

Tensions began to mount in the early nineteen-teens. His son would send a post card to him every week, and every week he would send one in return no matter where he was. He would always mention a landmark of the last port they visited.

His ship left England to head to the US. He never received his son’s last postcard

Lusitania sinks
causing a catastrophic event
that saw the loss of millions

*The Lusitania was destroyed in 1915 plunging the US into World War I

Nothing Can Bring You Peace But Yourself ~ Ralph Waldo Emmerson

Sometimes we look elsewhere as a way of comfort. We look to food, drink, games, gambling, anything that will hide us from reality. What it comes down to though, is that none of that will work. Yes, it may deaden the worry or the problems, but it doesn’t resolve them. Only you can do that. Only you can fix your conundrums. Only you can fix your vexations. Breathe in, and exhale your doubts. Breathe in, and exhale your worries; breathe in, and exhale your difficulties. Now look on everything with sharper eyes. With a new sense. I’m not saying the problem will be fixed instantly, I am saying it will be easier to deal with.

I want to thank “We Drink Because We’re Poets” Facebook page for at least one of these quotes. Thank you.

Have a great week.

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