Happy Trails

I went with my son earlier to take some photos. Or rather I went out and he wanted to come with me. I wanted to take photos of light trails from cars but not from my balcony. I wanted to take them from street level. So we headed to the traffic lights at a main junction and I set up there. These are some of the photos, although I have saved one for what may be the first Photo of the Week for 2014.

Trails1 Trails2 Trails3 Trails4 Trails5 Trails6

46 thoughts on “Happy Trails

  1. Great pics, Al. Makes me wonder, does your son want to take up photography? Does he borrow your camera? Just curious! If he takes any shots, let us see, hey 🙂

    • He has a camera that I gave him, but he doesn’t use it that often. He used to when he had a camera before, but he accidentally left it behind when we ran from the sociopath. He hasn’t been into it as much now.

  2. Amazing images you captured, Alastair! You had a great idea to do in the street! Congratulations!
    Thank you so much for sharing with us!
    Have a wonderful day, Alastair! 🙂

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