Leap of Faith


He looks across the canyon
He sees no way to traverse
He looks up the cliff for a rope
Seeing none, he starts to curse

He walks madly up and down
Feeling stressed and feeling low
He picks up stones and pebbles
Down the canyon he will throw

He thinks he has lost everything
There is nothing left to love
He sits down and starts to weep
And then he hears a voice from above

“Take a look at what you’ve done”
“I’ve done nothing, I’m no help” he cries
“You’ve done more than you think
Now stop and dry your eyes”

He sits there ignoring the voice
Any help he wants is out of reach
“Stand up, do not cut me out
There is more for you to teach”

He looks up, and shakes his head
“I teach nothing! Open your ears!
If you think I’m a help,
Where have you been all these years?”

“You have not wanted me.
You did not want to believe
I would not come to you
When you think I would deceive.”

He wipes his eyes and stands
There is truth in all these words
He sees his camera and frowns
That wasn’t there, this is absurd

The camera is big and is not his
It’s different to the one he owns
It shows him taking photos
Even picking up the stones

He sees something on the photo
And now knows he will be safe
He walks to the edge of the canyon
He is rewarded with his leap of faith

He carefully crosses the gap
He knows he can see his friends
As he reaches the other side I wake
And I have no idea how this ends.


As a great many of you know, I had a bit of a meltdown yesterday. I am normally a lot stronger than that and if I do meltdown, I don’t do it in public. As a result of that “internal crisis” I had this as a dream last night. It wasn’t a poem in the dream, but it was all there.

Thank you, all of you for your kind words of encouragement and support in my moment of weakness. I really do appreciate it.

49 thoughts on “Leap of Faith

  1. We all have very bad moments in life, Alastair. There’s just no way any normal human being can be perfectly poised and verbally fluent. I think you’re going through a tough time right now with your uncle’s recent death. You have no reason to apologize, but I feel you – like many of us – use art as a means of coping.

  2. I’m so glad you’re still here! I know things can get overwhelming sometimes. And if you ever need to take a break from blogging, just to clear your head, we’ll be here when you’re ready to come back. {{{Hugs}}

  3. A message from on high? You are blessed indeed Alastair. So glad you are feeling better today. Have been praying for you.

  4. It happens Alastair. I kinda’ was on overload yesterday too. Must have been something in the air.

    But – c’mon – you know what happens next…
    We’re all there ready to catch you & partay! 😉

  5. Wow, that’s quite a dream! Dream analysts would have an interesting time with that one Alastair. As for me. I love your poem, and am very very happy that you are writing more and more original pieces. As for the rest, well, one day at a time, think well of yourself, enjoy the day your in, oh, and know you are muchly loved. Cuz you are! 🙂 xo (summing things up here!)

  6. Endings are just new beginnings. Everything comes in cycles and circles.
    All that we are, are just pieces, and each piece has it’s place.
    Finding friends is a start, befriending yourself is there too.
    Take each step, gain strength and keep going!

  7. No matter who we are, Alastair, and how strong we are, we are human. We all have limits and reach them from time to time, some more often than others. Hugs and here is to better days.

  8. Very nice poem, Alastair!
    I am so glad because now you feel good and you get over the crisis!
    Have a wonderful evening, Alastair! 🙂

  9. AMAZing! Meltdowns help us build-up strength. We are all meant to feel and this created more than a smile and chills, you uplifted and reminded me ….
    Thank you, alWays.

    • Thank You Katrina. I have always wanted to help people. So when I crashed yesterday and I had so many people giving me encouragement, and comments like yours, it makes me realise that I am making a difference to people’s lives.
      I thank you Katrina for your support

  10. Beautiful and inspiring poem. There is hope!!! We get up, look up, open our eyes and see the beauty around us and we believe. No matter what happens we know that we are empowered to fix the things that we can and work around the things we cannot fix 🙂 Keep strong and hopeful!

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