H.O.P.E. How Our Personality Evolves

HOPE is a four letter word that can sometimes be seen as a cruel word that mixes in with other vulgar four letter words. We all lose HOPE at some point. Something comes along and we see no wait out. We see no way of going forward. We see no help on the horizon. All we do see is a tunnel with a power cut. No light can be seen and there is no way to avoid it. The metaphorical embankments are too steep to climb. You try, but you fail. You try again and keep slipping down, maybe seeming to make less headway each time due to tiring. Then you only see the way out being through that tunnel. A dark, empty, tunnel.

Then as you walk through it, time seems to slow down. You don’t know how long you have been there. Hours. Days. Weeks. Months. Years. Then you see a light coming towards you. Now, HOPE starts to come in. HOPE at the thought of finding a way out. The light comes around the corner and it is someone with a torch, and your HOPE dissipates. That low that you feel couldn’t get any lower, there it is proving you wrong.

Then the wonderful thing happens. That person with the torch? They stop and talk to you. They tell you that they have been looking for you. They are there to help you, to light your way through the rest of the tunnel. It is a long walk, but you see the end of it. Finally, your HOPE returns with fervour and you fairly run out of that tunnel, dropping to your knees and thanking whoever for helping.

HOPE has not abandoned us. It is always there, trying to find a way in.

Don’t give in. HOPE is there.

Don’t lose HOPE

Be Positive
